Local 1092

See the source image


 This is an awareness message for all AFSCME Local 1092 members.  The Local Union is suggesting you make reminder alerts in your email when eligible removal date occurs per below.  On those dates please send HR a request to have them removed.  They are not removed automatically.

Email HR requesting access to your personnel file or to remove disciplines and/or letter of expectations is:
MSOP- [email protected]
Community Behavioral Services - [email protected]
B. Employee/Union Access to File. The contents of an employee's personnel office record shall be disclosed to the employee upon request and to the employee's Union representative upon the written request of the employee. In the event a grievance is initiated under Article 17, the Appointing Authority shall provide a copy of any items from the employee's personnel office record upon the request of the employee. Up to ten (10) copies of such material shall be without cost to the employee, Local Union, or Union. A supervisor’s file is subject to the release provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.
C. Removing Materials from File. Upon the employee's request, the following documentation shall be removed from the employee's personnel file:
1. A written reprimand provided that no further disciplinary action has been taken against the employee for eighteen (18) months from the date of the written reprimand;
2. A written record of a suspension of ten (10) days or less provided that no further disciplinary action has been taken against the employee for three (3) years from the effective date of the suspension;
3. A written requirement to provide a medical statement (and any such statements) due to suspected sick leave abuse, provided that the employee has not received such a requirement for one (1) year from the expiration of the previous requirement.
4. A "letter of expectation," which is not discipline, provided that the employee has performed satisfactorily for six (6) months from the date of the "letter of expectation."
Upon request, disciplinary letters which have met the contractual conditions of removal from the employee’s personnel file shall also be removed from the supervisor’s file.
A written request to remove a document from a personnel file under this section shall not be placed in the file.
Materials removed pursuant to this section shall be provided to the employee.

If you have questions please talk to a local steward.

In solidarity,

Local 1092 E-Board Members
Arthur Miller – President
Jessica Langhorst – Vice President
Michael Gallagher– Chief Steward MSOP
Shelby Halverson – Treasurer
Sabrina Search – Secretary
Tarajee Goorhouse- Chief Steward At Large
Rebecca differding- Eboard at Large


April 30, 2022

We Must Respect and Honor Frontline Worker Heroes; More is Necessary

South St. Paul, MN - AFSCME Council 5 Executive Director Julie Bleyhl released the following statement after the Legislature passed Unemployment Insurance and Frontline Worker Pay legislative package:

“Governor Tim Walz, Speaker Melissa Hortman, and Senate Majority Leader Jeremy Miller reached an agreement and passed legislation to provide $750 ‘hero pay’ checks to around 660,000 front line worker heroes who Make Minnesota Happen. However, we are disheartened the State Senate Republican majority egregiously rejected more in 'hero pay' for our frontline workers. Despite this, we are glad this agreement at least included an expanded definition of eligible frontline workers who can access this ‘hero pay’ check.

“It is clear that our near $10 billion budget surplus was built off the backs of our frontline workers continuing to do the work that keeps our economy running and our communities safe. These frontline worker heroes deserve more for their critical contributions to our state and the great risk they faced going into work with an unknown and dangerous virus, including without proper PPE for months in the early stages of the pandemic. Our union will never stop fighting for all working people who work every single day to bring excellence to public services, dignity in the workplace, and opportunity and prosperity for all workers.

“At a time in which dozens of large corporations have earned billions in profit built off our labor and paid $0 in taxes, it is a slap in the face of all working people and our frontline worker heroes that they get very little in comparison to the enormous value they bring to our economy and communities."


AFSCME Council 5 is a labor union representing more than 43,000 workers across Minnesota. We advocate for excellence in services to the public, dignity in the workplace, and opportunity and prosperity for all workers.



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